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Sunday, 10 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 14: Forfar to Whiting Ness (2)

The use of these paths and tracks in my route had been specifically commented upon by my route vetters, who said they liked the fact that once I was out of the Angus Glens I had not simply opted to follow the roads all the way to the coast, but had tried to find opportunities to get off the roads wherever possible. What neither they nor I had appreciated, however, was that there was a large quarry to the immediate north of this track (pictured); and with a stiff Northerly breeze blowing that morning, I soon had sand blowing in my face and stinging my eyes.

I was soon past the quarry, however, and at the bridge under the old railway line. This was protected by a gate, beyond which was a large herd of cattle. My grandfather was a dairy farmer and I am not too troubled by kine, so I pressed on until I reached the road; and I followed the road past Mid Dod to Burnside.

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