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Sunday, 10 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 12: Glen Doll to Cortachy (7)

From Gella Bridge to Dykehead is all road walking. Had I been carrying Landranger 44, I might have tried to get off-road fro a bit and follow one of the paths down by the river; but as ever these days, I was working off A3 colour photocopies of the relevant map sections - and as this was not my planned route but a route revision, I was currently "off map". I therefore stuck to the road which I knew would lead me into Dykehead. Beyond Cullew there was a short section of raised path to the side of the road (pictured) and I used this where I could.

I was out of water and getting thirsty now, so I hoped that the Royal Jubilee Arms hotel might be open and able to sell me some Irn Bru; but alas! The Royal Jubilee Arms is closed once again. I did, however, see somebody in the garden of one of the houses in Dykehead, and managed to persuade him to refill my water bottles for me.

I then continued down the road to Cortachy, and to a very pleasant shower, evening meal and bed at Cortachy House. Heather did some laundry for me while I slept, which was waiting fro me outside my bedroom door in the morning.

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