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Thursday, 7 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 8: Through the Gaick Forest (12)

The advice Ian and Chris had given me was bang on the money! I reached the weir at 6.30 and crossed the Allt Bhran dry-shod immediately below it. There was a lovely looking pitch just upstream from the weir; and as I knew from my first Challenge that good pitches further up the Allt Bhran were hard to come by, I decided that this was as good a place to stop for the night as any. My decision was also influenced by the fact that it looked as though some rain was coming on, and I far prefer to pitch in the dry. Also, after a big day in the hills, I was pretty much all-in. So I pitched my tent, and set up my stove, and had my first dehydrated meal of the crossing: a beef and potato hot pot. I then made sure that my survival bag was well placed between my damaged ground sheet and my Thermarest, and turned in for the night.

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