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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 5: The Braes o' Lochaber (9)

When I arrived at Tulloch Station, I learned that I was the only person there and that I should have the whole bunkhouse to myself. There had apparently been 8 Challengers in the night before, however, and when I looked through the guest book I found that the previous day's signatures included those of Messrs. Sloman, Walker and Lambert - all gentlemen who are known to be occasional readers of this blog. Moreover, one of them lives in Bottisham: a village which I now know to have been home to many of my ancestors, and which I shall be aiming to visit some time in the near future. I shall have to remember to look him up while I am there.

I cooked my supper in the bunkhouse kitchen, watched the Sleeper passing through the station, and then settled down for a very pleasant night's sleep. A warm night's sleep, too. Much warmer than camping out in a snow-bound corrie!

1 comment:

  1. Mr Walker is indeed a Bottisham Boy, as I was too. I had the good sense to leave mere moments before Andy arrived.
    I'm sure he would be delighted to receive a Royal Visit!
    Let me know when and I will try to make it a party!
