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Thursday, 7 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 9: Feshie! (2)

As I climbed behind the pine forest North of Allt na Cuilce I entered the cloud. There wasn't much wind, thankfully; but there was enough to make this a thoroughly miserable bit of walking. But at least the track is easy to follow, even in poor visibility. I never did see any evidence, however, of the lower path that forks off to the right through the first little wood, and then cuts through the middle of the second little wood. Does such a path really exist? Or is it just a figment of some cartographer's imagination?

In due course I reached the path junction at NN 825900, and my last chance to go high if I wanted by turning right. However, there was no sign of the cloud lifting and this was obviously not going to be a sensible option. I do wish I had taken the time to go and explore the building shown on the map at NN 825892. Is this a bothy, or if not is it something that is usable as an unofficial bothy? Knowing this could come in very handy when planning future routes through these parts. I did think about going to have a look ... but i was concerned about the sheer distance I needed to cover with that diversion to Stronetroper, and adding another couple of kilometres onto the day didn't seem wise. So I turned left, and dropped back out of the cloud in time to see the beautiful little Lochan an t Sluic (pictured).

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