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Sunday, 10 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 14: Forfar to Whiting Ness (14)

Finally, after 14 days' walking, I arrived at the craggy red sandstone cliffs that are Whiting Ness. The tide was out, so I walked carefully out across the seaweed coated rocks until I reached a place where the breaking waves just lapped up against my boots. Then, as I had done 14 days ago at the little bay to the South of Morar, I leaned forward and ceremonially dipped a walking pole into the sea; and that was my Challenge finished.

I made my way back across the rocks and texted Challenge Control to tell them that I had finished at Whiting Ness as planned; and then I made my way to the Bed & Breakfast I had booked, which was not very far distant. I had no plans to try to get to Montrose today: that could wait until the morning.

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