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Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The 2013 Challenge, day 3: Lochailort to Glensulaig (4)

From Glenfinnan, I headed down to the Callop river. There is a raised wooden walkway for much of the way; and when you get to the Callop river there is a bridge which is not shown on the Landranger maps - but it is definitely there (see picture). In 2011 I used this bridge coming up from the South towards Glenfinnan. This year I used it from the North, heading away from Glenfinnan. This is an idea I had on the 2004 Challenge, when I encountered Andy Desmond and his party coming towards me in a Southerly direction on the road to the West of Eskdale Moor: if ever I re-tread ground that I have traversed before on the Challenge, I try if possible to do it in the opposite direction.

On the far side of the bridge I encountered an impromptu walking companion, and we walked together as far as Callop. This is not a particularly exciting piece of walking, especially when it is raining. It is forestry road, made up to take heavy lorries, a little undulating. My companion's car was parked at Callop, so we went our separate ways. I was able to take my waterproofs off for a while as I walked beside Loch Eil; but when I stopped for a sit-down and a glug at Locheilside station, it began to rain again, heavily. Still, at least I was in shelter and able to put my waterproofs back on in a leisurely manner. As I did so, however, I noticed that I had quite a serious tear in the seat of my waterproof trousers. Nothing I could do about it right now - but I made a note to see what I could do about repairs at the first opportunity.

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